Saturday 7 December 2013

Truth about homemade pregnancy test

    Here is the question number one. Can homemade pregnancy test really help and detected your pregnancy.There are so many young women out there that got problem to go to doctor and ask about pregnancy.Common mistake that they made is looking online for some alternative methods of pregnancy ceking.

So here is advice number one. Dont do that alone in home with some alternative methods like homemade pregnancy test. One of the easiest way is to go to your farmacy and buy some pregnancy test.Any other thing will not give you real result.

This is not a game and you need to consider very serious problems that you can have. Another even better thing that you should do is to visit your doctor and ask for advice. Dont be shy ever for things like this.This is for your good and it can help you for sure.

Internet is full of many ideas how you can perform pregnancy test at your home just with stuf that you got. But results of all this tests are not correct.

How does tests work ?

If we talk about pregnancy tests they generally check your urine to see is there pregnancy hormone hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

They work by identifying hCG amounts within urine. Every time when  woman’s urine occurs in contact with the specially dealt with strip on a pregnancy test stick, effects appear very fast., showing whether or not hCG has been identified.
Some tests that you make in home  can not  find hCG in urine quicker than the first day of a missed period. Improvements have made it possible for some at-home pregnancy test to identify hCG 6 days just before a missed period.

Most common home tests

Tooth paste test
Pine SOl
Test with vinegar